
Showing posts from February, 2017

Typescript errors on @types\lodash\index.d.ts #417

PnP PowerShell overview

SharePoint Designer Call HTTP Web Service to create item in other Site (Collection)

Attach ECB menu on another column instead of Title column in SharePoint list using Sharepoint Designer

Go to SharePoint designer and open the site ->Your List->Your View Find all FieldRef in <ViewFields> tag. Then add below attributes to desire FieldRef like this code <FieldRef Name="DateColumn" ListItemMenu="TRUE" linkToItem="TRUE"/>' If you want to remove existing ECB menu then remove the following code and save it. <FieldRef Name="LinkTitle"/> 

Things you should know about Sharepoint 2016 Search

The search architecture of Sharepoint 2016 contains search components and databases  that work cohesively to perform the search operation. .   The size and  structure of the search architecture depends on the volume of your content, availability, estimated amount of page views, fault tolerance and queries per second etc. Architecture can vary depending on the composition of the data that is crawled. The search architecture can be for the enterprise or for Internet sites. Sharepoint Search components In SharePoint Server 2016, search components are not hosted on Web servers.  All components reside on application servers and all databases reside on database servers except    query processing component and index components . The query processing component and index components reside on the Web  servers to make maximum use of the available hardware resources and to simplify scaling out the search topology. We'll talk about these. There are several component that involved in sea