# Recreate web bindings for the SharePoint 2013 webservice webapp "SharePoint Web Services"
# Victor Vogelpoel Feb 2013
$webappName = "SharePoint Web Services"
if (!(Get-WebBinding -name $webappName -protocol "https" -port 32844))
  New-WebBinding -name $webappName  -ip "*" -port 32844 -protocol "https"
# Bind SharePoint's own "SharePoint Services" certificate to the webbinding for HTTPS 32844
$b = Get-WebBinding -name $webappName -protocol "https" -port 32844
if ($b)
  $cert = get-childitem cert:\\localmachine\sharepoint | where { $_.subject -match "^CN=SharePoint Services" }
  if (!$cert)
    throw "Cannot find `"SharePoint Services`" certificate in SharePoint certificate store"
  [void]$b.AddSslCertificate($cert.ThumbPrint, "SharePoint")
  throw "Cannot find webbinding"
if (!(Get-WebBinding -name $webappName -protocol "http" -port 32843))
  New-WebBinding -name $webappName  -ip "*" -port 32843 -protocol "http"


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